The Virginia Immunization Information System (VIIS) is the Commonwealth's statewide immunization registry; similar to registries in use in 62 jurisdictions nationwide. Registries are an important tool to generate data on immunization rates across the state, helping us achieve and sustain target immunization rates and protecting the populations from vaccine preventable diseases. It also provides a safeguard against inadvertently duplicating immunizations.

VIIS is free to use and until recently it was voluntary, aside from providers who participate in the Virginia Vaccines for Children or Adult programs. However, legislation passed this year that mandates the use of VIIS for all healthcare providers who administer vaccines beginning in January of 2022. This is an important step in collecting comprehensive immunization data across the state!
With support from the Virginia Department of Health, we've drafted a survey to better understand barriers encountered by key groups of healthcare providers in using VIIS. If you are a healthcare provider, please take 15 minutes to complete this survey. Our goal is that your input will translate into interventions that make VIIS easier for healthcare providers to use. The survey will be open until Friday, September 10th.